Monday, August 17, 2009

Using Wildlife Camera

Have you ever wondered where the deer are on your land or how many bucks or does there are? If the answer to these questions is yes then a wildlife camera is the way to go. I use to walk my land and see all the rubs on the trees. I notice how high some of them were and thought to myself, "there must be some big deer coming through here, I wonder where they are coming from". That is when I purchase a wildlife camera. Now we have 4 cameras on our land and hundreds of pictures of deer and other wildlife.

When the deer come in the camera takes pictures. It is amazing to see how many bucks are out there and how they hang out together this time of year. The bucks are beautiful with their velvet  racks. We are able to get an idea of where they are coming from by where they are when the pictures are first taken. The best thing to know is the time. I now have an idea of when they are moving so I know what time I need to be in the woods.

The infrared camera is the way to go because it doesn't scare the deer. This camera takes colored pictures during the day and black and white at night. We tried 2 different brands before we bought a stealth camera and so far the stealth takes the best pictures. But as long as it is infrared then it should be good.

When picking a place to put the camera all you need to do is find a trail they frequently travel and put it on a tree. If you don't get any pictures, move it. Then the camera does the rest. I think you will love it. Sometimes we set it on video and get the deer playing with each other or during the rut getting a buck fight is pretty cool.

I can't wait to get home from work and go back and see what we caught on camera that day. It seems the same deer are there everyday give or take a few new ones. It is wonderful to watch them grow every year and to watch the racks grow until they shed the velvet.

I hope this helps you with your hunting needs.